
Tiistai 28.5.2013

14.00 - 17.00

Kansallinen iT-strategia ja sen toteuttaminen Pohjoismaissa


eHealth strategies in Nordic countries - current implemention and
future plans
Jarmo Reponen, University of Oulu


National ICT strategy and how it will be implemented - The way to
organize health care in your country - NORWAY
Kristian Skauli, Ministry of health and care services


National ICT strategy and how it will be implemented - The way to
organize health care in your country - DENMARK
Niels Rossing, Medcom


National ICT strategy and how it will be implemented - The way to
organize health care in your country - SWEDEN
Lars Jerlvall, CeHis


National ICT strategy and how it will be implemented - The way to
organize health care in your country - ESTONIA
Madis Tiik, Sitra / Tallinn University of Technology


Peer review of Finnish eHealth developments in the EU context
Marc Lange, Secretary General of EHTEL


Round table discussion: The experiences of national co-operation - The new action roles of citizens
Roald Bergström, Norway
Madis Tiik, Estonia
Niels Rossing, Denmark
Lars Jerlvall, Sweden

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