Sessio 5

Tiistai 24.5.2016 Sali 5

14.00 - 17.00

International experiences and outcomes in Health and social care informatics
Moderator: Päivi Hämäläinen, Chief Specialist, National Institute for Health and Welfare


Integration of Social and Health care information, current experiences and future strategy
Erik Jylling, executive vice president, Dr, Danish Regions


The Overview of the Outcomes of the Netherlands Reform
Erwin Eisinger, Sr. Policy Advisorm, Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport


Coffee break


Outcomes and Challenges from Connecting and Integrating Health and Social Care Data"
using large-scale data to drive public sector reform in health and social care across a 15 million strong population in the North of England
Andy Kinnear, Connecting Care Programme Director, NHS


Q/A Discussion and reflections of the HIMSS 2016 Nordic day

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